Who pays on the first date?

Is it normal for the woman to have sex with the man after the first meeting?



Photo by SJ 📸 on Unsplash

Is a question to which 99.9% of women would answer in chorus: No! Is that what he thinks I’m worth? Coffee?

Okay, perfect, but I’m sitting here asking you, my dear: is that what a relationship is worth? Coffee?
What does ‘maybe see you for a coffee’ mean? The fact that you are two people who have chatted, probably on social media and on the phone — in this day and age, phone numbers change instantly — you like each other and naturally want to see each other.

Meanwhile, the discussion looks something like this:
Him: It would be cool if we could meet one day…
Her: It would be my pleasure!
… means you are open to this closeness. What is the direct message? ‘I wish to know you better!’ From both sides.

Careful!!! We are talking about dating, not about business or any other kind of meeting!

Well, we come to the time of the meeting, who pays the bill? This is an age-old discussion. And since the beginning of time, it is the man who pays. And this is about manners! He is a gentleman, so he must pay! Okay? Now, if you sit back and think that throughout time, the man was…




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