Who Said Poetry is Dead? (This May Change Your Life)

The best poets of all time are on this earth right now. Here is proof.

Delilah Brass


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

I get it; the past is filled with a nostalgia which living poets struggle to compete with. There’s nothing like reading the works of someone you know will never write again. It makes their work more precious. It’s like looking through a tiny crack in the wall of the past, illuminating what feels so out of our grasp, and for a moment, you're at ease with it all.

Yet, this feeling has somehow been misconstrued with a perverted ideology that we live in an artistic dark age. Void of true genius and virtuosity.

Perhaps it goes back to that ancient perception that the grass is always greener on the other side… I suspect this way of thinking makes it difficult for us to open our eyes to the beauty sitting in plain sight, right there in front of us all. Just asking to be felt.

But for me, I see an era of extraordinary, exquisite creation. Sure, Oscar Wilde is no longer with us, but so many others are.

I guess now is the time to introduce Kae Tempest (formerly Kate Tempest). Kae stands out as a shining star of poetic artistry. Kae’s work has guided me through my darkest moments of despair, offered me comfort and clarity in times when I believed…



Delilah Brass

“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” — Winston Churchill