Who Says Free Traffic Does Not Work, Wait Till You See This!

I have been online as a digital marketer for close to 9 years and I know what it takes to get traction online

Steve Kayode
3 min read4 days ago


Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

And the one and only way is ..


Getting targeted traffic is no doubt one way that has defied any other shortcut

Traffic in this case, is being used in the language of digital or online marketers...

Is getting as many eyeballs on your offer, blog, website, or sales page

Your success or failure online hinges on this...Traffic.. targeted traffic

Just as it is in the brick and mortar business, no matter how good a salesman you are, no matter how attractive or irresistible your product is, if people that need your products don't know and see it..you ain't making any sales

And when you don't sell, you don't make money

So..I want to share with you my latest discovery...I think that word "discovery" is suitable for what I am about to tell you

Nowadays, as more people are joining the digital marketing bandwagon, competition is getting stiff and more online marketers are after the same traffic

Thus, getting traffic is nothing but a huge challenge if you want to survive the waters of online marketing

Especially getting people to know you and your products for free is not as easy as before...when the internet was still new and fresh

Free traffic these days is not yielding results for most online marketers as it used to be but not too long ago...

I discovered this:

You can leverage on shorts vertical videos to siphon free traffic to your product blog or websites

And in this case, this video is motivational videos

Take a look at the image below and see how many views that shorts video got in 48 hours:

Motivational videos on YouTube
Motivational video from YouTube

But the challenge is making this kind of shorts vertical videos that can go viral

And that's where I got you covered

I have a huge collection of these kinds of motivational viral videos you can use on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram

In a few days, you would be getting tons of traffic to your site, blog, or products

I have it right here for you to download

Take advantage of shorts and vertical videos to drive tons of traffic to anything you sell online



Steve Kayode

Steve is a digital and information marketer whose passion is to help people discover ways to make money online. https://www.makemoneyonlinewplus.xyz