Who stole my happiness?

Prasanna Kumar Behera
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2022

The five sensory organs, the media of unhappiness.

Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash

1-The Ears listened

It was 30 minutes past 10 p.m. I was driving back home late at night after finalizing a big business deal and was eager to share the news with my family. The cell phone rang like an alarm from an unknown person. On the other end, it was a lawyer who loved to call late at night that I am accused, in a criminal case by my builder who sold me the office space. Hence, I should meet him the next day as I may be prisoned for life and have no bail for this.

2-The Eyes saw the message

I rarely open my WhatsApp message before 9 AM, as I am fully occupied with my Yoga and physical exercises till then. There was the shortest surprise text message on my WhatsApp today, “I quit.” The message was from one of my close business heads, without whom my work will be tougher. There couldn’t be any worse news for me today.

3-The Mouth spoke

I reached the office 5 min late today. Everything was going on smoothly. We had the group meeting at 2 p.m. As a group leader, I complained about less business in some other city and the boss informed me after the meeting that I must be transferred to the same city, 1200 km away from my place.

The whole sky, perhaps, failed on me.

4-The Nose smelled.

Our doggie is quite entertaining and loves to play with softballs. She keeps everybody entertained, and never eats what is not offered to her. Though we stay in a multi-storied apartment, she has a designated place for her toilet purpose, and rarely does she use other places. The biggest quality she possesses is her smelling power. She can smell my presence at least 30 meters and remains calm. But apart from me or my family member, if anybody enters that area, her mood gets off and she barks. Similarly, I too lose my happiness, when my son feeds her Pedigree, the dog food, whose smell I am unable to tolerate, being a vegetarian.

5-The Skin felt

It was a scorching summer day. I rode a bike in the sun to reach my native place, which is nearly 50 km away from the seashore town to watch a dance called ‘The Punishment Dance’. I never felt any heat. But once I reached, my mother asked me,” Are you not feeling the heat my son in this scorching summer?”. Oh, yes. I feel now, I replied. And it was very much uncomfortable as there was no electricity in my village and I was suffocating. But I was really surprised when I saw the dancers rolling their bodies on the cemented roads with dust and sands and not complaining of any heat on their bodies. They cannot complain also, as their ritual and they have to follow it.


We blame our mind for not being able to control these five sensory parts of our body, called (Panch-Indriyas), which are five inputs for our intellect to act and direct the other parts to react.

But our minds never invited or anticipated these external factors to come into our day to date life and disturb us. Once the incident happens, then only thoughts pop up in my mind.

How can we blame the mind or these five sensory parts as the root cause of our unhappiness?

These unavoidable external factors will come into our life as coronaviruses. We should have enough immune powers to face these viruses only. The eight immune powers for prevention of unhappiness may be designated as:

1-Power to Tolerate

2-Power to Accommodate

3-Power to Face

4-Power to Discriminate

5-Power to Judge

6-Power to withdraw

7-Power to pack up

8-Power to cooperate.



Prasanna Kumar Behera

A soul , who wants to learn the real knowledge , develop self and help other souls. For more details - www.prasannabehera.com. Believes in religion of humanity.