
Do we find ourselves in the situations we do

Anna Rozwadowska


Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

Simple. Life is simple. And complicated, it depends.


According to each circumstance that arises, either an agreeable or disagreeable outcome is sure to come. Or, we are at a standstill. One way or another, the outcome is sure; it’s there.

This certainty then takes us back towards another more important question in life, and that is, why am I in this situation?

Good question with no easy answer.


If there is an outcome (even if it’s a stalemate), then there must be a reason for the occurrence in the first place, no? Many people have adopted the adage that ‘everything happens for a reason,’ that everything we go through has a lesson to teach us and that life is but one lesson after another. Then, there are those who say that things just happen for no reason at all. Maybe they’re right, who knows? The truth is that we can only speculate why some situation or circumstance has befallen us, even the brightest. Yet, one cannot help but wonder, why?



Anna Rozwadowska

Owner, Editor of Storymaker, Hallow Literary, Literally Literary. Top Writer in Poetry. Writer, photographer, psychic, medium, and spiritual guide. M.A., Ph.D.