Why 9–5 is your Best Asset?

Use it to your advantage. Don’t quit just yet

Pooja Rane
3 min readJan 10, 2024


Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash

“Escape the 9–5 corporate charade”

“You are a slave”

“This top-down culture is not for you”

“There is no work-life balance”

These refrains flood the digital airwaves, advocating for liberation from the traditional workday.

But what if we’ve misunderstood the 9–5 narrative?

What if the corporate world isn’t the foe but, instead, a powerful ally waiting to be harnessed?

I have been in the 9–5 group since 2017 and counting.

The 9–5 as Your Gateway to Freedom

I currently work as a Technical Account Manager, making 6 figure salary in the US, owning a home, and much more. While I work, I can try different side avenues because I have a stable monthly income.

I don’t have to race with time to meet my basic survival requirements.

I set my deadlines for my side hustle life and can do so in the time I get outside of work. This is creative freedom!

Scratch the image of a 9–5 as a confining cell; see it as a gateway — a dynamic entry point to a realm of choices.

You decide when to step in, when to step out, and when to explore new avenues.

How Routine Ignites Professional Discipline

I wake up at 7 am.

Pen down my thoughts.

Have breakfast by 8.30 am and start my work day. Check emails and make my to-do list of the day based on my meetings for the day.

Most days use the above flow. These habits have been ingrained in my system.

It was not a single-day effort. But, now when I have a routine it's difficult to get distracted. In a corporate setting, a routine is formed.

This routine evolved from a hurdle to a daily habit and fuels my productivity well beyond the corporate walls.

Workload Mastery as Your Entrepreneurial Superpower

In any venture, mastering the workload is crucial.

The 9–5 becomes a training ground, imparting the art of time management, deadline precision, and overall efficiency.

We learn how to prioritize, create a bullet point approach, make notes, and improve our critical thinking ability

I come from a tech background, so reading difficult material and summarizing information to executives is a part of my role.

These skills, refined in the corporate arena, metamorphose into entrepreneurial superpowers.

Navigating People Dynamics in the 9–5 Landscape

The corporate jungle isn’t just about tasks — it’s a fertile ground for people skills.

I have mastered the art of weaving through office dynamics, translating into contract wins, customer satisfaction, and successful marketing endeavors.

Meetings, attending & speaking at conferences but above all a pool of highly qualified individuals that can be useful to not only understand their business and technical sense but also give a lot of perspective of people from around the world.

People skills, acquired in the 9–5 arena, are keys to unlocking business triumphs.

In conclusion, as you contemplate your professional journey, recognize the 9–5 not as a hindrance but as a foundation, a launchpad for your aspirations.

It’s not an either-or scenario; it’s about strategically leveraging the strengths of both worlds.

The 9–5 isn’t a restraint; it’s a reservoir of untapped potential waiting to propel you toward the success you seek.

Embrace the mastery within your 9–5, for therein lies the catalyst for the triumph you’ve been pursuing.

Don’t worry you don’t need to buy me coffee or my course! If you liked the read, let’s connect! 🌻



Pooja Rane

Writing helps me soothe my soul, so here I am 🌻| I show my “techyside” on : https://www.youtube.com/@poojarane11494, Currently in Dallas, TX