Why a Powerful Imagination Is Needed To Create a Better Future

Anything that was ever created started as an idea

Remy Awika


“Everything you can imagine is real.” — Pablo Picasso

Some philosophers termed imagination the voice of God.

In the spiritual world, God and you are the same. That voice comes from within you and flows through you. A voice that creates, that is why we also refer to God as a Creator.

Anything that was ever created started as an idea. History’s greatest inventors relied on the power of their minds to visualize the future in their present moment. Reality changes as new ideas manifest from your thoughts into the physical world.

Dreams fall into the category of things science can’t explain. Every dreamer knows what they experience each night. If you remember them, you sense how close to “reality” a dream can be. They have the power to affect your mood, actions and set the tone for the next day.

Reality is bendable and your imagination holds the keys to its creation.

“Imagination should be used, not to escape reality, but to create it.” — Colin Wilson

The Universal Brain

The universe was created by thought. Alchemists call her the “First Matter.” Every idea we’ve termed genius came from someone’s imagination first. It’s their physical efforts that turned it into reality.

As an example, how many times have you seen an idea and noticed that you’ve thought of it too? I’m sure you did.

While you sat contemplating on it then moved on with your life, the other person developed that idea further. They put in the work, made it real, and shared it with the world.

We all have the same ideas all the time no matter how far away we are from each other.

As a writer, how many times have you seen an article and realized you had thought about that same idea? Coincidence? It's not. There are no coincidences. We only call them that because of their mystical nature. Since we are all part of one universal consciousness. Higher powers feed us the same knowledge all the time. This is how the grid works, whether you connected to it is a different story.

“If we look up the definition of imagination in the Lexicon of Alchemy, we read that “imagination is the Star in Man, the celestial or supercelestial body.” Therefore, the imagination is a divine gift, the piece of heaven concealed in man. The student in alchemy comes to realize the secret power of imagination during solitary meditation. ”

Dennis William Hauck. “The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy of Personal Transformation

A child’s imagination

Happiness is a personal thing we all look for. A constant search for something no one can explain because we all have our understanding of it. What does it mean for you to be happy? How do you get there? What will it take? Instead of trying to explain it with reason, why not try with your imagination instead? Kids are our best teachers when it comes to it.

“Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination.” — Immanuel Kant

A child untainted by the fallacies of society’s teachings looks at the world with awe. To them, everything is fascinating because it’s new. At some stage, we all witness a child’s perception of things and we’re sometimes amazed that we haven’t thought about it in the same way.

When children ask us certain questions that, in our view, they are not ready to understand, we relay an answer that we have been “instructed” to give. We excuse ourselves by saying they will never understand, even if we try our best to make them. But a child understands a lot more than us. A child’s mind is clear of darkness, honest, truthful and most of all innocent. It’s our false ways and false teachings that poison our children.

The education system doesn’t teach a child to be imaginative. It teaches them to follow a system of rules, enforced by us, that leaves us with few alternatives.

We’ve adapted to ignore this part of us. The forces in control make us submit to their agendas by limiting us. This threw us into a vicious cycle. A never-ending need for material things that are a product of someone else’s imagination and not our own.

We’re always told to think outside the box. But that box gets constructed by others. Sometimes with incomplete or false notions.

Don’t lock yourself in it. Step outside for a while. Play around with it, change its size, mold it into different forms, make it bigger, smaller. Add some colors.

It’s your box, have some fun.

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” — Albert Einstein

Beyond our senses

Imagination requires you to shut out your senses. Senses are the illusions of reality that keep you stuck in the physical world. If you only rely on them to experience life, you will find it hard to understand how sublime she is.

“But, I nearly forgot you must close your eyes, otherwise…you won’t see anything.” — Lewis Carroll

Instead of rising above your problems, you focus on what’s in front of you and manifest more of the same problems. This is another area where science gets criticized. It’s impossible to understand everything through our material senses when we neglect the non-physical.

From the 9 realms that exist, only 1 is physical. Think of how much you’re missing out on.

This is why meditation is an important practice. People see things when they meditate. Imagination roams free and that experience gets heightened the longer you practice. It’s a muscle that needs training.

“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.” ― Carl Sagan

It takes collective thoughts to create a better future. Start with yourself, have patience and your progress will in time, elevate others.

Comments, thoughts and opinions are always welcome.



Remy Awika

Student of the Mysteries, inspired by creativity and happiness.