Why a Woman Without Tattoos Intrigues Me

An unpopular opinion about tattoos

Kiki Joy


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

“You wouldn’t put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari.”

I’m sure we’ve all heard that phrase at one point or another. It’s probably the oldest saying in the book about the topic of tattoos.

Typically, a person that believes tattoos are trashy or a bad decision may make the argument: “you wouldn’t put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari”.

Don’t get me wrong if you have tattoos, I do not think you’ve ruined your body.

As a matter of fact, my husband has a fairly large tattoo on his ribcage. My brother-in-law has a few tattoos, one of which is a kettlebell with the chemical compound for happiness, which is very creative and beautifully done. And most of my friends have multiple tattoos, including intricate and colorful sleeves.

I appreciate the artistry of tattoos, and I always enjoy hearing the stories and meanings behind each one.

It’s just not something I have ever wanted, nor will ever want, for myself.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash



Kiki Joy

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition. Lover of all things travel, food, health, and fitness related. Let’s build wellness rather than treating disease.