Why Am I Being Persecuted By The All-Mighty Algorithm?

It seems to have it in for me, and maybe you are next!

Peter Burns


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

I am pretty sure no one will read this. Why? Since the all mighty algorithm has it in for me. No matter. Mad rantings are all the rage these days, so let me jump on the bandwagon.

Nefarious forces are at work here. The algorithm is keeping me down. Suppressing my voice. My earnings are in the dumpster. Instead of the two peanuts I used to get, I only get one peanut now.

And without that extra peanut, I am left just scratching my nuts.

Are you also being persecuted by the all-mighty algorithms? It seems everyone is these days. And the bigger the writer, the more “persecuted” they are.

Every year this persecution starts anew. 2021. A goodbye article. 2022. A goodbye article. Same writer. Almost the same article. Each got tens of thousands of claps. It pays to be constantly leaving.

Damn you, algorithm!

Why is the algorithm such an asshole?

So why did the algorithm turn into such a douchebag? To find out, we should examine how it works. But first, let’s go back in time. To about two decades ago.



Peter Burns

A curious polymath who wants to know how everything works. Blog: Renaissance Man Journal (http://gainweightjournal.com/).