Why And How I Am Changing My Strategy At The Kindle Store

For the last five years, my strategy for more book sales has been simple. I published a new book in one of my series, and the older books were immediately selling better. That stopped working. It is time to change my strategy.

René Junge
The full time writer


Photo by James Tarbotton on Unsplash

The competition in Amazon’s Kindle Store has always been fierce, but as time went on, it became more and more difficult for self-publishers to compete in the market.

I have published a thriller series of seventeen volumes within the last five years and one of nine volumes. So on average, I’ve released a new novel about every two months. I’m talking about full-length books with over 300 pages each.

Within a series, each volume is a completed story. So they are not serial novels. But since the same characters always appear and the setting is still the same (same city, same office, etc.), I can write relatively quickly.

This publishing strategy is widespread among genre fiction writers. When you publish in Amazon’s Kindle Store, new publications are given priority by Amazon’s algorithms and are recommended to more potential readers than older books.



René Junge
The full time writer

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: http://bit.ly/ReneJunge