Why And How I Read Five Fiction Books At A Time

There Is A Different Book In Every Room In My House

Fahri Karakas
Published in
5 min readMar 2, 2021


Photo by Florencia Viadana on Unsplash

One of the biggest regrets in my life is that I have not read many fiction books when I was younger. I was way too focused on being successful at school and in exams. I wanted to be successful in the mainstream and traditional way.

I have always focused on achieving one goal after another. Work, work, work. Endless goals to conquer. Impossibly long checklists to go through.

There was no time for creativity and reading fiction. I neglected and suppressed my creative side for years. I did not find any time for reading fiction books. I focused on reading non-fiction. Reading fiction felt like something trivial — a luxury at best… Until now. I now believe that reading fiction is as crucial as non-fiction, as it vastly expands our imagination and unleashes our creativity.

I now feel regretful and bitter that I did not read science fiction during my youth. I realized that I can best feed my mind and imagination through reading fiction. I fell in love with the power of creative storytelling and worldbuilding. That is why I decided to read a lot of science fiction books and dystopias starting 2021.

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Fahri Karakas

Associate Professor in Business & Leadership at University of East Anglia. Passionate about doodling, imagination, and creativity. Author of Self-Making Studio.