Why Are Multiplexes Situated on the Top Floor?

and the psychology behind it.

Piyush Vaish
2 min readOct 28, 2023


Photo by Yulia Khlebnikova on Unsplash

You booked tickets for the 9:00 PM show, but you arrive at 8:00 PM, excited!

The movie theater is on the top floor of a mall, and you’ve parked your car on the first basement level.

You get lucky this time because you don’t have to keep driving down to deeper basements.

You have two options:

  1. You can take a lift that goes straight to the top floor.
  2. You can use a combination of escalators/lifts.

We’ll talk about both options and how they affect the stores in the mall.

Scenario #1

You park your car in the basement.
You take a lift to the top floor.
You arrive in time!

When you’re on the top floor, you can see the entire mall better.
You get a good view of all the different brands and stores.

If the movie theater were on the ground floor, it would not be easy to see all the stores because you can’t keep looking up (Imagine yourself straining your neck to get a peek).

Stores get better visibility from the top.

Scenario #2

You park your car in the basement.
You take escalators to reach the theater.

It allows visitors to move through the mall.

Increased footfall to stores.

In both scenarios, the stores gain something good.

But, if it’s only the stores benefiting, why would movie theaters want to be on the top floor? What’s in it for them?

Other Reasons

1. Space Efficiency
Cinema halls require large spaces with multiple screens, auditoriums, and facilities. Placing them on the upper floors allows for efficient use of space without sacrificing valuable retail space on lower levels.

2. Noise Isolation
Movie theaters are designed to be relatively quiet environments to enhance the viewing experience. Placing them on higher floors helps isolate the noise from the bustling mall activities below.

My Take

I would say all the people involved in this experience benefit. How?

  1. Retailers
    Increased footfall for them.
  2. Theater owners/operators
    Large space & noise isolation for them.
  3. Us
    We can have fun watching the movie and also buy things when we want to.
  4. Shopping Mall
    They will benefit only if the top 3 (retailers, theater operators, us) benefit.

Overall, locating cinema halls on the top floor of a shopping mall is a strategic decision that benefits all the parties involved.

About Me

I am Piyush Vaish. A Developer turned Designer and an Online Writer.
I am on a mission to build a brand without a niche.

I write alongside 9 to 5 to share my ideas, experiences, and insights from daily life.

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Piyush Vaish

Developer turned Designer. On a mission to normalize writing without a niche.