Why are some men attractive and others not?

Lavleen Singh
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2023


Seduction is a fatal weapon. It is the thing that existed since the birth of humans. And the main objective of seduction is to create your influence over the other.

Photo by Senya Mitin on Unsplash

Women are known to be a master of seduction. They have this power from the very beginning of the World, but men are not behind either.

Our History proves that wars have happened, avoided, and Thrones have been built or shifted using this fatal weapon.

Creating an influence over the other gender is the way to gain popularity and audacity among the people of your own gender, too.

A man who is famous among girls becomes famous among boys, too.

But not every man have these kind of seductive powers.

Here is the list of things I find attractive in some men, but not all men.

Security – As a woman women always fall or get attracted by a man who can provide them security. Security could be in many terms depending upon a woman’s priority; for some, social security is essential, while financial security is the whole purpose for others. A man able to provide maximum security to a woman is most attractive. Here, we should pay attention to the fact that there should be a limit of security and even possessiveness; too much of possessiveness triggers women’s freedom.

