Why Are Some Writers On Here So Entitled?

Stop acting like a spoiled child, no-one owes you anything.

Linda Guest


Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

It is a wonderful place on here. There are stories packed with interesting insights, great advice and entertaining anecdotes.

But there is a seedy underbelly of entitled writers that risk doing real damage to the supportive tone and forgetting the true purpose of this platform.

Here are a few home truths that we should all remind ourselves of from time to time.

They probably know more about business than you do

This is someone else’s commercial venture and let’s face it, unless you are a multi-millionaire and a household name, then I’m guessing that they know a little more about business than you do.

At this point in my career, Evan Williams has far more experience in building a successful online platform than I do. I don’t think he is going to be too worried about taking advice from me just yet. Sure, I have some ideas about how I would develop the platform if it was mine, but I would be naïve to think that they haven’t been considered already.

Truth is, if I tried to reach out to him, my voice would be drowned out by the thousands of others who think they know better too.



Linda Guest

I specialise in ghostwriting but write here as myself. I am interested in education, social justice and the human condition. linda@appliedthinking.co.uk.