Why Are We Taught To Hide Our Pain From Others

Men are often afraid that telling feelings will hurt their masculinity.

Sufyan Maan, M.Eng


Image via Vecteezy

Sunday is my off day. I work six days a week and force myself to take Sundays off.

Research shows that we need pauses in life to move ahead. Taking a pause means recharging yourself physically and emotionally.

While chilling in the backyard with my favorite cup of dark roast coffee, I wondered why we hide our pain, especially men.

So many thoughts were rambling around. It’s not just men; so many women hide their emotional pain in this so-called modern society.

But why?

Being a curious person, I always look for the why, which helps me find an answer or at least puts me on the right track.

According to psychology, others matter. They matter a lot; society matters a lot. We are always thinking about what our neighbors, friends, or colleagues would think about us.

People will judge us.

If you open up to people, they will laugh at you.

That may be one reason our parents taught us to hide our feelings and never share anything, especially at a young age.



Sufyan Maan, M.Eng

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