Why are YouTubers Facing a Content Crisis?

Great content alone is not enough to be successful, not anymore

Rachele A


YouTuber girl influencer worrying about her videos.
Photo by MaddiesCreation on Unsplash

YouTube is the second most visited website in the world after Google. Creators from all over the world upload 500 hours of videos every minute. At the moment, there is no other platform like it.

With so much traffic coming every day, what has been the recipe for success so far?

Until a few years ago, we had fewer people creating content. To succeed on the platform, it was enough to live in a big city, buy lots of expensive trendy things, or have a van.

That’s no longer enough.

When there’s so much choice, the audience doesn’t have to compromise. It’s hard to stand out from the crowd. Creators have to change their strategy and find another ingredient for success.

Not every video needs to be about New York

One of my all-time favorite content creators is Damon Dominique. He is a YouTuber with 1.5 million subscribers on his channels, for those who don’t know him.

He filmed videos of him living in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, not to mention his travels; all appealing locations, of course.



Rachele A

Growth Hacker | Productivity | Making things better and faster | Italian living in Milan |