Why Artificial Intelligence is Artificial


An AI robot sits in a classroom while a female teacher points to a chalkboard.
Image created by Dwayne Adderley via Canva

Let’s face it. We’ve all seen those science fiction movies where robots take over the world, and we can’t help but be a little freaked out. But don’t worry, dear readers. For now, the reign of Skynet remains in the realm of fiction. Why? Because artificial intelligence (AI) is still, well, artificial. And we humans remain the puppet masters pulling the strings. Grab your popcorn and let’s dive into the hilariously human world of AI.

The Unbreakable Bond: Humans and AI

A Brief History of AI: Just Add Humans

Once upon a time, in the distant year of 1950, a clever British mathematician named Alan Turing asked a simple question: “Can machines think?” Fast forward to today, and we can confirm that machines can think, but only if we humans give them a little push. From the early days of AI research to the latest advancements in machine learning, human intelligence has been the driving force behind every breakthrough.

Teach Me, Human

A female dog trainer gives instructions to a robot dog in a grassy field.
Image created by Dwayne Adderley via Canva

In simple terms, AI is like a toddler. Adorable, but kind of clueless. We need to teach it everything it knows. This process is called machine learning. Take a guess who creates the algorithms and data sets to teach AI? That’s right, humans. These experts create the rules and parameters that guide the AI’s decision-making process, ensuring it produces meaningful and accurate results. We are the proud parents who teach our AI baby to walk, talk, and not throw tantrums at the supermarket.

The Many Hats of the Human-AI Relationship

The Art of the Algorithm

Creating the algorithms that power AI is no easy feat. It takes a team of skilled human programmers to write the code, test it, and then tweak it until it works just right. These unsung heroes are responsible for making AI systems efficient, versatile, and even entertaining. So, when your AI-powered personal assistant tells you a joke that makes you snort-laugh, you can thank the human who programmed it to have a sense of humor.

Data, Data Everywhere

Algorithms are hungry for data. And who provides that data? You guessed it: humans! Whether it’s inputting information or deciding which data set to use, humans play a crucial role in ensuring AI can make sense of the world. From the vast oceans of social media content to the intricate details of scientific research, humans curate the information that AI needs to learn and grow. So, next time your AI suggests the perfect cat video for you, remember the human who fed it an all-you-can-eat buffet of internet cats.

Keep it Ethical, Folks

As with any technology, AI can be used for good or evil. To make sure AI doesn’t end up on the dark side, humans are needed to set ethical guidelines and regulations. We’re like the AI police, making sure our creations play nice and don’t become sentient overlords. From avoiding bias in AI systems to ensuring privacy and security, humans have the responsibility to keep AI in check.

Debugging the AI Hivemind

No technology is perfect, and AI is no exception. When AI goes haywire, it’s up to humans to step in and fix the bugs. So, while AI might be the shiny, new sports car, humans are still the trusty mechanics keeping everything running smoothly. Our expertise in troubleshooting and problem-solving helps AI systems stay on track and perform at their best.

The Future of AI: Forever Hand in Hand

Despite all the hype around AI taking over the world, the reality is that it will always need a human touch. AI might be smart, but it’s still artificial. As long as we humans continue to guide and shape AI, we’ll be safe from any robotic uprisings. So, keep calm, carry on, and enjoy the quirky, imperfect world of artificial intelligence.


Q: Can AI really become sentient and take over the world?

A: While AI is constantly improving, it’s still far from becoming sentient. As long as humans are involved in its development and maintenance, we can prevent any Hollywood-style robot apocalypse.

Q: How much human input is needed for AI to function properly?

A: The amount of human input needed varies depending on the AI’s purpose and complexity. However, humans are involved in every stage of AI development, from creating algorithms to inputting data and fixing bugs. So, AI will always rely on human input to some extent.

Q: Will AI eventually replace human jobs?

A: While AI can automate certain tasks, it’s unlikely to replace human jobs entirely. Instead, AI will change the nature of work, allowing humans to focus on more complex and creative tasks. Think of it as a collaboration between humans and AI, rather than a competition.

Q: How can we ensure AI is used ethically?

A: Humans play a crucial role in shaping the ethical guidelines and regulations for AI. By staying informed and involved in AI development, we can ensure that AI is used for the betterment of society rather than causing harm.

Q: What’s the best way to stay updated on AI advancements?

A: There are many resources available for keeping up with AI advancements. Follow reputable tech news outlets, attend conferences, and engage with the AI community to stay informed about the latest developments and breakthroughs.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence might be the buzzword of the century, but it’s still very much artificial. As long as we humans continue to guide, shape, and work alongside AI, we can harness its power for good and laugh at the thought of a robot uprising. So, go ahead, chuckle at your AI assistant’s joke, and take comfort in knowing that we’re all in this hilarious, imperfect world of artificial intelligence together.



Dwayne Adderley, MBA,LPQ Dwayneadderley.com

Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, and Writer. Subject matter expert in Business Operations, Aviation and Loss Prevention.