Why Brand And Growth Should Always Be Separate

You are setting your brand up for failure if you measure it based on conversions

Daphne Tideman


Photo by Magic Mind on Unsplash

An adapted chapter from Growing Happy Clients.

Branding vs conversions

When people talk about growth, it is often too quickly equated to marketing. It’s the result of the way we’ve been explaining growth hacking and who hires the growth hacker within the organisation.

So growth gets lumped together with marketing, squeezed in between the brand team and awareness campaign. As they say, you need to work with what you have.

You start focusing on growth which for you probably means bringing new customers and conversions.

So why is all that budget going to branding?

What is that bringing in?

Before you start kicking and screaming about a waste of budget, let’s turn to Arnout Hellemans, a growth consultant with 13+ years of digital experience, for his advice:



Daphne Tideman

Startup Coach | Love to help eco-friendly startups and growth hackers grow | Author of Growing Happy Clients