Why Can’t I learn PHP?

5 Reasons it’s so damned hard.

J.A. Becker


Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

PHP is known for being the easiest programming language in the world to learn. All it takes is a tutorial or two and you’ll be coding your way into a pile of cash in less than a week. 💥 💰 💰

…and many a man and woman has walked down that pyrite path and stepped off a cliff and shattered their bodies on the hard rocks of reality. ☠️

Don’t believe the lies (liar #1, liar #2, liar #3, liar #4), it’s hard as hell to learn this language. Trust me, I know. I was a web developer for many years and getting started with PHP nearly broke me.

But it’s worth it. Despite whatever anybody says about it being a dying language, it’s still powering more than 75% of the world’s websites, like Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia, WordPress, Drupal, and so on. And it will continue to power these sites well into the future.

So learning it isn’t a waste of time. But don’t kid yourself, it is an uphill battle.

Here are five of the most challenging stumbling blocks to learn PHP and how to overcome them.

1. F*cking Spaghetti Mess Code— Three Technologies In One

Valid PHP code can contain HTML, JavaScript, and PHP.




J.A. Becker

Father. Writer. Coder. Product Manager. Just enough to be dangerous.