Why Customer Obsession Will Make Jeff Bezos a Trillionaire

Jeff Bezos’ success is due to a relentless focus on the customer

Ash Jurberg
Published in
6 min readJun 5, 2020


Photo by Simon Bak on Unsplash


That is one trillion. It’s also the estimation of what Jeff Bezos will be worth in 2023 as he tracks towards being the first-ever trillionaire.

Of course, this is due to the success of his company — Amazon. Created in 1994 behind lofty visions of being the “everything store”, one thing has always fuelled Bezos — an obsession with customers.

It is, perhaps the main reason he is so successful.

The Customer Obsession

Customer. Customer. Customer.

It’s a mantra oft-repeated — in every Bezos interview, in his annual letter to shareholders and in Amazon’s core values. Customer Service is embedded in the Amazon DNA and their mission statement —

Our mission is to be Earth’s most customer-centric company.

Even Google — of which Bezos was one of the initial investors — recognizes his customer obsession. Typing in “Jeff Bezos customer” into the search engine will deliver thousands of results around customer service quotes, customer service focus, customer service obsession, customer service-centric, and more…

