Why Did a Holy God Create a World Where One Animal Ferociously Devours Another?

The answer to this question is simple. Read more to understand it.

Christina Sponias


A wild lion with an open mouth, ready to devour another animal.
Lanza on Pixabay

A Greek friend wanted to use my computer to read something and opened a page titled ‘The Jungle’. However, he didn’t want to read something relating to wild animals. This was the title of an online Greek newspaper that reflects what is happening in our world: crimes, wars, robberies, injustices, and other evils.

The newspaper’s title ironically compares our world to a jungle, where one animal ferociously kills another to devour it.

Human beings do not devour other human beings, but they abuse, exploit, mistreat, and kill each other because they hate them or because they hope to gain some advantage from doing so.

This comparison explains why a holy God created such a cruel savage world. In this violent struggle, He reflects human behavior to show us that we must be different from wild animals.

We have a conscience capable of discerning good and evil and we should be peaceful and just, but we are often controlled by the primitive and wild part of our brain that did not evolve like our conscience and behaves like a violent monster.



Christina Sponias

I’m a literature writer and a philosopher who became a mental health therapist through dream translation after continuing Carl Jung’s research.