Why do I write?

I’m not eligible for the Medium Partner Program since I’m from India, but still, I write. Why?

Inu Etc
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2022


Anime boy writing, Source — Zillion Media

Writing is an act of healing!

I used to write my feelings in my diary, but not anymore.*

(I can hear my diary crying in the corner!)

However, I will still write about my personal life, my secrets, and some 18+ things in my ‘sexy’ diary since I am still not confident enough to write about those topics on Medium.

(I can see my diary smiling naughtily at me)

On my blogInuidea.com — I write about business, entrepreneurship, marketing, and freelancing.

I also work as a freelance writer. I write high-quality SEO articles for my clients, and you can also hire me. 🤗

There is a secret literary blog where I write English, Assamese, and Hindi poems.

Now I write a lot on Medium as well. From now on, *I’ll write about almost everything on Medium.

However, the question is:

Why do I write?

I write to make money!

Yeah, that’s obvious.

But that’s not the only reason. You can’t write hundreds of valuable articles and your own life stories just…



Inu Etc

I help young hustlers build their own online businesses. | Inuidea.com, InuEtc.com | Co-founder - Hostneur.com | Writer, blogger, web developer, traveler. 💚