Why Do Millennials Waste Money On Coffee?

Millennials spend an exorbitant amount of money in coffee shops, all in the name of human interaction.

AJ Krow


Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

Let’s admit it. Some of us drink too much coffee.

My white chocolate mocha with an extra shot of espresso and soy-milk costs $6.73 at the local coffee shop. Buying coffee five times a week amounts to $1,615.20 a year.

But damn, it is worth it.

As a millennial, I figured I should answer the question: why do millennials spend so much money on coffee?

1. Coffee shops offer a lively environment to study for college students

Some people enjoy studying in dead silence. Those people prefer no distractions, especially from other people. Those people find studying and repetition with themselves to be the best way to learn.

The one time I chose to try this in a library, I became impatient after ten or fifteen minutes. I looked around the library and found everyone hypnotized on whatever textbook or laptop they gazed into. I left and entered a coffee shop instead.

Studying is better when it’s interactive. Studying alone in a library that’s dead silent hardly qualifies as interactive.



AJ Krow

Personal Finance Teacher. Writer. Author. Aspiring Polyglot. Progressive Voter. Antitheist. Twitter @ajkrow_writer.