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Why Do We Fail? — What We Really Miss When We Plan for Big!

Muhammad Saqib
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2023


In the realm of productivity, the true test lies in execution.

It is during this crucial phase that our carefully laid plans either come to fruition or crumble into oblivion.

The allure of productivity entices us to take on more and more tasks, reveling in the illusion of progress. We meticulously plan, strategize, and envision a future filled with accomplishments.

Yet, when the time comes to turn our plans into action, the overwhelming weight of our commitments threatens to derail us, leaving our morale in tatters.

This struggle is one that countless individuals face daily. We embark on our journeys with fervor, armed with grand aspirations and unwavering enthusiasm.

However, as the demands of our goals pile up, our focus wavers. The initial excitement fades, replaced by doubt and fatigue. We find ourselves lost amidst a sea of unfinished tasks and shattered expectations.

In my own quest for productivity, I recently underwent a period of introspection.

It was during this deliberate session of self-reflection that I uncovered the root cause of my shortcomings: a lack of focus.

Admittedly, it was challenging to let go of the tasks that held lesser importance. However, it became apparent that prioritization was a necessity.

To those who find themselves in a similar boat, I encourage you to gather your strength and buckle up. It is time to realign your forces, recalibrate your strategies, and recommit to the journey.

Embrace the power of focus, for it is the compass that will guide you through the chaos. Be resolute in your decision-making, as you must learn to say no to distractions that veer you off course.

Undoubtedly, this process is far from easy. It demands discipline and the courage to make tough choices. Opportunities may present themselves, seemingly enticing, but remember that they may lead you astray from your core objectives.

By reevaluating our priorities and channeling our energies into what truly matters, we can regain control over our lives.

So, my fellow warriors of productivity, I implore you to embrace the challenge. Take a moment to realign your focus and reassess your strategies. Rekindle the flames of your initial motivation and let them burn bright. The hurdles that lie ahead are not insurmountable; they are stepping stones to your ultimate success.

In this battle for productivity, know that you are not alone. I stand beside you, offering unwavering support. Find strength within yourself, harness your determination, and fight back against the overwhelming tide. Believe in your abilities, for setbacks are merely opportunities for growth and resilience.

As you navigate the treacherous waters of execution, remember that focused execution is the key.

Let the beacon of focus guide you, illuminating your path and leading you towards the triumph that awaits.

With unwavering focus and an indomitable spirit, you will overcome the challenges on the path to success.

More power to you all

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Muhammad Saqib



Muhammad Saqib

Tech Blogger | Money Tips || Side Hustles | Personal Finance | CEO ProfitPowerClub | Let's level up your wealth! #Finance