Why Do We Feel The Need To Monetize Everything?

There’s a deeper reason for our need to succeed.

Adriana Sim


This year I successfully started a raised bed garden from scratch. It was an ambitious passion project, and for a while, I worried I took on more than I could handle. But it was a massive hit.

Friends came over and marveled at the abundance and variety of veggies I was growing. “Have you ever thought of starting a Youtube channel about gardening?”, they asked. Of course I had. In fact, I’m still itching to start one now, but there’s one thing stopping me:

Will I be successful in monetizing it?

This may be a satisfying hobby, but I’m not willing to put in all that work into a Youtube channel and not be financially rewarded for it. I guess I’m not that passionate about gardening after all.

Not if my passions come with a price tag attached to them.

Creativity is supposed to be free

This analytical approach to hobbies and passions caught me by surprise. I never thought I would become so cynical about it. I decided to dive deeper and figure out the reason for this change in mindset.

Let’s go back to our childhoods for a minute and imagine ourselves doing something…



Adriana Sim

In the process of GYST’ing and following my intuition. Gave up a career in medicine to pursue writing, blogging, and, most of all, living.