Why Do You Keep Saying ‘I’m Fine’ When You’re Not?

Sometimes you’re fine and sometimes you aren’t

Cathy Coombs
Published in
6 min readFeb 11, 2022


Image source: Pixabay.

If you asked my dad how he was doing even when he wasn’t doing well, he would say he was “pretty fair.” That was his catch-all response when deep down, I don’t think that was true at all. I don’t think he was as happy as he could have been. I think my mom used to be happy. She was outspoken so we knew when something was on her mind.

At times when someone says, “I’m fine,” they probably aren’t really fine, but the alternative of complaining about something doesn’t sit well so that response sounds better.

Years ago, I was being asked how I was doing under an emotional circumstance and I said, “I’m fine.” She then said to me, “I bet you always say that.” We looked at each other and I knew what she meant and she knew why I said it. It’s a catch-all response to cover up how you’re really doing in the deep inside.

If you really are doing fine, then you might say “I’m doing great!” because sometimes you really are fine and people may not believe you.

Why do we pretend we’re fine when we aren’t?

  • We avoid our real feelings
  • We try hard to convince ourselves we’re fine



Cathy Coombs

Kind human | Devoted to family | Writer | Author | Author of Stranger in the Window at https://amazon.com/dp/B0D91SJ8DM | Website: https://cjcoombs.com/