Why Does a Covert Narcissist Make Such Crazy Accusations?

They reap benefits in four different ways

Melissa Kalt, MD


Photo by Mark Foster on Unsplash

You’ve been on the wrong side of a covert narcissist.

Maybe you’ve felt their wrath post-breakup.

Maybe you’ve been the target of a full-on smear campaign.

The accusations thrown at you were crazy, heinous even, with no semblance of truth.

Why do they do it? What do they get out of it?

The covert narcissist benefits in four different ways from these accusations.

#1 Hurt the victim

The covert narcissist accuses the victim of doing horrible, heinous things. These typically are character attacks designed to hurt the most.

For example,

  • The victim is honest to a tee. The covert narcissist accuses the victim of lying to the court.
  • The victim is transparent and forthright. The covert narcissist accuses the victim of hiding money offshore.
  • The victim is loyal and faithful, openly denouncing infidelity. The covert narcissist accuses the victim of affairs.

#2 Destabilize the victim



Melissa Kalt, MD

Executive Consultant/Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Specialist/ Solver of Unsolvable Problems/Master Healer/ Entrepreneur/ Author/ Speaker/ Mother of 5.