Why does God allow Evil?

Austin Bell
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2024


Alter at Lisbon Bible Church in Lisbon, NH. Image by author.

This is a question that a lot of people pose when talking about God and the existence of God. People who doubt God’s existence will ask questions like this. They will ask why God allows things like murder, war, and other evil things to persist. These are all valid questions. But, I want to ask some counter-questions. Does God actually allow evil? Or even better, does evil actually exist?

Hear me out now. That last question might sound stupid. You might be saying “Take a look around, look at everything that’s going on, of course evil exists.” But, let me make some analogies here. For example, is there really such a thing as darkness? Or is darkness simply the absence of light? Because we can study light and its brightness and its different colors, but we can’t study darkness. Is there such a thing as cold? Or is cold simply the absence of heat? Think about that for a second before answering.

God is like light and warmth. And evil is like darkness and cold. Evil is what happens when God is absent in people’s hearts. Just like cold is what happens when heat is absent. Just like darkness is what happens when light is absent. When we accept God into our hearts and surrender our lives to him, evil does not stand a chance. As is said in 1 John 1:5, “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” God shines a light into our dark souls when we surrender to him. He warms our cold…

