Why don’t you get follow back?

Saba Rahman
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2022
Image by Cottonbro on pexels

I mustn't tell you how painful it is when you don’t have readers for your content. It’s not for being famous to have maximum followers. I know that you write for yourself. Writing is a skill that makes you self-contained. You don’t need to blabber in front of others to pour your frustration and drain out or show off your beautiful mind. Therefore we even write diaries.

How important your followers are?

Followers are not just your readers, they are the motivation that makes you come out with the illuminating colors of emotions, knowledge and the feelings that are fresh and change bringing. They are the inspiration to learn more to enhance the beauty of your mind, heart transforming and soul touching. Consequently, we are the learners and the educators as well to learn from each other and impart the best of your important knowledge. Moreover, followers are the educators as well to let you know how to enhance your writing skill and knowledge by letting you know their interests and your mistakes.

Why don’t you have many followers? Why don’t they follow back?

  1. Not specific topic

Because you write what you want to write. You don’t have a topic niche. The authors and readers of same interest may follow you and also give follow back if you follow them. Writing anything may affect your followers as they loose interest in reading your articles.

2. Not being regular

Being honest, I don’t follow the writers whose has written his/her article long time ago. Stay tuned, alert and amazing to improve your productivity. Readers are interested for your ideas and they follow you because they want to hear more from you.

3. No bio

Having a clear bio about yourself gives a clear glance about your interest and articles. This is needed to let the readers know about you. Readers like me often checks before following. Many of us don’t follow if there is nothing in bio. This is because there are many readers who create their account to read only. They don’t write maybe because they are only interested in reading. Sometimes you also get to see ‘no followers’ and ‘no stories’. So this is a stupidity to follow them.

4. No interactions with other writers

You should be an interesting person to converse with the other writers. Find the needed tags like #followers, #followforfollow, #followback, #100followers etc. Read the articles, applaud and don’t forget to comment. This will help you to get noticed by the authors and the other audiences too.

5. Racing!

We all want to be the top writers. So that we can earn more and be the best. We even help each other to reach our success goals. But when you reach at the top, you leave the hands of the people who are behind you. Because your goal is achieved and now you don’t need them for now. You don’t need to look back. So when you want to show off your helping nature, you write an article to attract them all as I have written, important and needed one information.

What should you do to get maximum followers?

  1. Decide your topic niche:

This really helps the reader to know your interest. Your interest should also be mentioned in your bio (about). Go on a road which leads you to your destination. Its’s okay if you write just for yourself and because writing is your hobby. But you want to work professionally, you should decide you topic niche. That means if you ware interest and mastered writing motivational and inspirational like Robin Sharma, your most of the articles should cover this particular only. The people who are interest writing love and relationship should write about that only.

2. Stay consistent to write maximum and quality articles. Don’t be like me 😂😂😂, I don’t get peaceful time to sit and write what I truly want to write. But I love to write. The best way to achieve success in writing is just write immediately when your mind is peaceful, full of creative ideas and amazing. Don’t take a long break. You are amazing when you are emotional, mindful and fresh.

3. Be interactive

Interact with your readers and the other writers too whom you read. It doesn't matter who follows and who doesn’t. We need each other’s support, feedback and motivation to grow well together. Enhance the beauty of togetherness.

4. Be regular

Being active, reading stories, appreciating others job and writing regularly are the keys to succeed on medium and on any social media platforms. When you do such things having a great heart, you too get the same response.

Some of us help genuinely. Maybe because of the readers interests or they are needy like us. Both can help each other. But never please anyone. Because you need readers not followers. You are skilled and your writing is one of your created masterpieces. You can attract them through your skills but never beg. It may take time to reach them yet this isn’t impossible. They will come gently and live with you forever if they are selfless and true readers.

The most important thing writing on any platform, you need to be very professional. Take care of your words, never be a plagiarist. So don’t be common. be very unique and fluent in your subjects. And the ladder of the success is always full of difficulties that have so many obstacles in it. Gently you jump those hurdles with all your skills and intelligence. Be patient but stubborn to achieve your success goal to be the top writer. See, I am keeping calm. :))))

I success you. :))))



Saba Rahman

Philanthropist | Poet | Quote writer | Blogger |