Why Dopamine Fasting Can Change Your Intrinsic Reward System.

Jamal Maison
Published in
6 min readAug 15, 2022


Photo by Paulo Freitas from Pexels

I remember back in my college days, over-indulging in a little bit of everything that was inconsequential to my personal goals and feeling like shit every time.

College is funny, and not the funny where you are laughing at the bank because you are obviously a broke college student at the time.

You are at the age where you are doing everything that makes you feel like shit, and you do it with other people than you sit and talk about how shitty you feel together.

The mix of alcohol, sex, drugs, social media, sleepless nights, constant bad eating habits, and terrible spending habits really make you or break you.

I did everything I wanted to in college, but I was smart enough to catch on to the short-term gratification, making me feel like shit, and would take breaks on certain activities every once in a while.

This is how Dopamine fasting started becoming an exciting topic for me.

Dopamine fasting, in my opinion, is temporarily abstaining from any addictive activities that provide a huge release of dopamine and replacing those activities with healthier actions. This is anything that provides short-term pleasure but hurts you in the long term.

Harvard Medical School take on…



Jamal Maison

My Ideas In A Vault. Personal Branding Agency Owner.