Why Dumping Your Hand-Me-Down Clothes Will Change Your Life Forever

How hand-me-down clothes are stopping you from finding your true self.

Aurellia T. Elisha


Wearing hand-me-downs is the same as placing someone else’s used puzzle pieces to yours. That’s why you haven’t been able to complete your own puzzle.

“This unflattering floral dress is so ugly on me. Eh- I’ll take it, that’s all I’ve got anyway.”

We all have this voice in our heads when we’re wearing hand-me-downs. But for some of you, you’re so used to it that it’s already muted. It’s there, but you don’t hear it anymore.

Look, I agree, hand-me-downs are great:

  • It’s free,
  • You don’t have to exert energy to decide which ones you like more or fit you better, and
  • You basically get new clothes without wasting 4 hours at the mall.

I can probably come up with 20 different looks every time my aunt passed down a bag of clothes to me.

But you see, hand-me-downs’ convenience is costing you yourself.

Because whether you like it or not, clothes matter. Yes, people look at you differently depending on what you wear. But, it has more



Aurellia T. Elisha

Student. Life. Poems. Still trying to figure life out. Come to be inspired and be an inspiration.