Why Elon Musk Is Mocking Metaverse

Neuralink and Metaverse differences and the question you need to ask

You, Me and Happiness


Image created by author from a pixabay stock image; photo credit cheatsheet

Would you rather walk around with virtual reality [VR] goggles on your head or implant a chip in your brain?

Decisions. Decisions.

The beloved Elon Musk believes Metaverse and walking around with a pair of virtual reality [VR] glasses on your head, is mediocre in comparison to his invention Neuralink.

Sure you can put a TV on your nose, I’m not sure that makes you in the metaverse — Elon Musk

They have already tested Neuralink on monkeys and the results are above FDA and US government standards, yet they are awaiting approval from the FDA to test it on humans.

Screenshot by author from Business Insider

Metaverse and Neuralink, are two equally exciting and controversial ideas to further evolve humanity.

It is vitally important to understand the uses and consequences of both of these inventions to remain a conscious human on this planet.



You, Me and Happiness

Helen Müller | Writing to inspire Conscious Living | Helping 🔝Entrepreneurs Be Happy ➜ 🌐 https://youmeandhappiness.com