Why Eminem’s “Till I Collapse” is the Ultimate Workout Song

Zaigam Akhtar
Published in
5 min readApr 4, 2023

’Cause sometimes you just feel tired, feel weak
And when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up
But you got to search within you, and try to find that inner strength
And just pull that shit out of you
And get that motivation to not give up, and not be a quitter
No matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse

Photo by Daniel Apodaca on Unsplash

Picture this, You are sitting in your room alone one day feeling the weight of the world. You have no idea what you’re doing with your life and where you’re heading.

Suddenly you hear this muffled beat from the next room nearby. You like the groove although the music is sort of diminished. And as soon as the vocals kick in, you’re like wait a minute I know that voice. You realize that it’s Eminem. But you don’t know what the song is and you must find out.

You pick up your phone and start searching for it and when you finally find it, plug in your headset, and hit the play button, things change. Suddenly that wretched feeling fades away, you don’t feel like much of a mess anymore, and now you actually feel like doing something. Something that’ll change you for the better!

That was me almost 10 years ago when I first discovered the pumped-up hip-hop sensation ’Till I Collapse from Eminem’s fourth studio album The Eminem Show.

Since then I’ve probably listened to this song a bazillion times, but lately, I’ve realized why it’s such a powerful track. Why it still continues to be played at countless gyms all around the world and why it is an evergreen masterpiece.


I’ve been keeping consistent with my workout and gym sessions for the last few weeks. And I often start my exercises with Eminem on my playlist so there’s no way that ’Till I Collapse won’t play at least once.

After long and attentive listening hours I’ve found new meanings in many Hip-hop music, particularly Eminem’s Music. And ’Till I Collapse, which is one of my all-time favorite tracks, tops that list.

And that is what I want to share with you, my friend. The underlying subtleties of the track and what makes it the ultimate workout track.


The song starts with what I deduce to be the notes of an electric guitar in the background. You can hear a mechanical sound that gives the hint of somebody working on a machine or maybe feet stomping the ground.

Then as soon as that piano instrumental sets in, you know you’re in for something special. The initial vibe is similar to that of Lose Yourself (another masterpiece we’ll discuss in another post).

Next Em’s voice comes over and he gives a short speech which is perhaps one of the best intros, if not THE best in rap music . In the background, you can hear a repeating cadence “Yo left, yo left, yo left, right, left” which is a common military chant.

He tells the listenter to look within themselves and discover what motivates them. He believes that giving up should not be an option, and emphasizes this through his lyrics that follow.

The title of the song, “Till I Collapse,” is fitting because Eminem is determined to keep rapping until he can no longer physically do so. He raps, ‘Till I collapse I’m spilling these raps as long as you feel’ em,” expressing his desire to continue making music for as long as possible. This line inspires people to pursue their passions and not give up on their goals.

You know, when you’re doing any intense physical activity and Eminem’s sharp cadence hits you, it just makes you feel stronger and encourages you to keep going. And the way he has rapped here is sheer artistic oomph.

The cherry on top is the “stomp-stomp-clap” beat sampled from the song “ We Will Rock You” by the legendary rock band Queen.

All this while the backdrop harmony of the choir voices gives the feeling of something thrilling is about to happen. Like the beginning of a huge storm. And you gotta brace yourself.


Here, Nate Dogg comes in with a bang singing —

“‘Till the roof comes off, ‘till the lights go out
‘Till my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth
‘Till the smoke clears out, am I high? Perhaps
I’ma rip this shit, ‘till my bone collapse”

Once again the message is to not give up in the face of adversities. No matter what. Fight back till you legs give out. Keep slaying until your bones collapse.

Now, I’m not gonna break down the entire track verse-by-verse because that will get too long but if you are as much of a music nerd as me you might wanna check out Knox Hill’s Full analysis of the track on his Youtube channel. He does a phenomenal job at pointing out subtle details here and there throughout the song that may get overlooked by the casual listener.

Courtesy: Knox Hill (Youtube.com)


“Till I Collapse” has stood the test of time and remains a popular workout track more than 18 years after its initial release. The song has been used in countless workout playlists and has become a staple in gym culture.

You see, “Till I Collapse” is often considered the ultimate workout track for several reasons:

Firstly, the song has a fast-paced beat and a powerful bassline that can energize and motivate listeners to push themselves harder during their workouts. The song’s tempo is around 85 beats per minute, which is ideal for cardio workouts, such as running or cycling.

Additionally, the song’s structure is well-suited for workouts. The verses build up in intensity, leading up to a powerful chorus encouraging listeners to keep pushing themselves. The song’s length, at just over four and a half minutes, is also ideal for a standard workout routine.

The song’s message is grounded in reality, as Eminem has the ability to rap for the rest of his life if he chooses to do so. The track resonates with listeners on a personal level.

The final lines of the song, “I will not fall, I will stand tall,” are a powerful reminder to persevere in the face of adversity.

The song’s message of self-motivation and inner strength is universal and can be applied to many areas of life, from pursuing a passion to overcoming adversity in personal or professional situations.

Eminem’s dedication to his craft and his refusal to give up, even in the face of obstacles, is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of having a strong sense of purpose.

To me, Eminem’s music has always been about self-realization. I’ve never related to any other artist’s music as much as his. And tracks like ‘Till I Collapse are what remind me to not give up, no matter how badly I wanna just fall flat on my face and collapse.

It’s great to hear that the song resonates with you and provides you with the motivation you need to keep going when things get tough. It’s a testament to the power of music and the impact it can have on our lives.



Zaigam Akhtar

A storyteller trying to find stories in people, places, & experiences worth sharing. I write on a whim about Tech, Books, Films, Self-Improvement, & Poetry. 🌻