3 Ways Your Brain is Directing You To Your Life Purpose

Simona @ Mindful Copy Agency
Published in
5 min readMar 16, 2020


How Following Your Bliss Makes Your Brain Happy

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

The path to a life of contribution and meaning is often revealed through the things you never get tired of learning about.

Many successful people advise us to follow our passions. Could it be that there is a biological reason why we are thirsty for more knowledge in certain subject areas than others? Could this help us find our “purpose” and leave the world a better place?

“There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions — in a way that serves the world and you.” — Richard Branson

Besides avoiding threats, our brains seek out opportunities to grow. Expanding our perspectives and creatively finding new ways to interact with our world helps us ensure our continued survival — as individuals and as a species. We have a built-in desire to learn and explore. Mother nature wants us to express our uniqueness by following the trail of our curiosities.

In nature, diversity serves to maintain strong ecosystems. Within the team of humanity, a diversity of interests helps us maintain strong communities that can collaborate more efficiently.



Simona @ Mindful Copy Agency

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