Why Formal Education Is Beyond Degrees and Income: The Broader Impact

Inspired by The Forbes Article, I Share My Two Cents on The Power of Formal Education

Marina Tosic


The importance of education in data science
“Harry Potter, I still find you more interesting than Anna Karenina” [Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash]

It’s not all roses and unicorns

Today I want to “talk to you” about a topic I am passionate about—formal education or school.

The reason for this is that school was always my happy place, and I will share with you why I liked it so much.

While my sister was a math & co. genius, I was “little trouble”—the one with the artsy soul and ideas before her time.

Truth be told, reading books and watching TV shows with “independent women” themes, plus coming from a family of strong and outspoken women, had an impact on this too.

Hence, by the time I started middle school, I had created my own opinions. And this all formed my “little trouble” character, who was not afraid to contradict the teacher’s opinion.

Regardless of this, I was always fond of the school; I didn’t mind doing homework and studying (mostly) nights before the exam, as I rather spend days reading non-obligatory literature books than learning for the literature exam on time.

“Harry Potter, I still find you more



Marina Tosic

Data professional | Building portfolio of stories about data career & BI/ML/GenAI in Google Cloud | All views are my own | https://www.linkedin.com/in/martosi/