Why Gen-Z Is Wrong About Ditching College (With Data)

The harsh truth Gen-Z needs to hear about skipping college

5 min readJun 23, 2024


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela

Let’s be real — that quote is super cliché. But before you roll your eyes and click away, hear me out. Because when it comes to the value of college education, Gen-Z seems to be seriously misguided.

Sure, the cost of tuition has skyrocketed faster than an NBA player’s verticality. And yeah, the pandemic disrupted the “traditional” college experience like my uncle disrupting Thanksgiving dinner with his bad jokes.

But ditching college altogether? That’s about as smart as trying to survive off instant ramen and energy drinks (been there, and regretted that).

Why Gen-Z Is Straight-Up Wrong About College

Here’s the cold hard truth: Data doesn’t lie, and it overwhelmingly shows that a college degree is still worth its weight in avocado toast.

According to research by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce:

  • Workers with a bachelor’s degree earn a million dollars more over their lifetime compared to those with just a high school diploma. A cool million! That’s enough to buy a castle…or like 50 economy cars (but who wants 50 economy cars?).
  • Unemployment rates are nearly twice as high for high school grads versus college grads. Job security > worrying if you can make rent.
  • Jobs requiring bachelor’s degrees are projected to grow the fastest in the coming years. Future-proofing your career? Smart move.

And it’s not just about making bank (though having enough cash for life’s important things like Funko Pop collections is nice). Studies show college grads also tend to have better job opportunities, higher job satisfaction, and a lower chance of living in poverty down the road.

The “I’ll Just Teach Myself” Fallacy

Okay, but what about all those Silicon Valley millionaires and tech moguls who dropped out? Or the YouTubers and influencers making $$$$ without a degree?

Here’s the reality check: For every Bill Gates or Liz Edmonds, there are millions of folks struggling without higher education. Trying to “teach yourself” everything from coding to marketing to accounting is like trying to build a house using only YouTube tutorials.

Possible? Maybe.

Smart? Definitely not.

College teaches you way more than just career skills. It’s a masterclass in critical thinking, time management, dealing with disagreeable people (looking at you, Gary from the group project), and exposing yourself to diverse perspectives. intel

Unless you want to live in an echo chamber where your only culture comes from TikTok dances (no shade, they’re extremely impressive), higher education helps you grow as a human.

The “I Can’t Afford It” Excuse

This one definitely holds some weight (student loans are the bad kind of debt, unlike the good kind from maxing out credit cards on limited edition Beanie Babies). But considering the long-term benefits, college is an investment worth making:

  • According to Student Loan Hero, the average bachelor’s graduate from a public university will earn enough extra over their career to recoup the costs of their degree within 7–10 years.
  • Many schools offer financial aid, scholarships, grants, work-study programs, etc. to bring down costs. It takes work, but there are ways to avoid crippling debt.
  • Career training programs like coding boot camps are valid alternatives, but median earnings top out at around $65K. Not too shabby, but a bachelor’s grad can make over $90K on average.
  • Trades like plumbing or electrical work can be lucrative without a degree. But growth is limited, the work is physically demanding, and you better really enjoy unclogging drains.

The bottom line: If you’re strategic about it, the ROI on a college investment can be massive compared to stopping at high school.

What If I Hate School? College Isn’t Prison

Listen, I get it — the education system has its flaws. Standardized tests are stupid, some professors are stuck in the stone age, and having to wake up before noon should be considered a war crime.

But college isn’t one-size-fits-all these days:

  • Online classes let you learn in your underwear (no judgment, we’ve all been there).
  • Accelerated programs let you condense that 4-year timeline into a blistering 2–3 years.
  • Non-academic experiences like internships, networking, clubs, etc. let you explore passions outside the classroom.

There’s no rule that college has to be dry 8 AMs followed by grinding at the library all night (unless you’re into that, you do you). It’s about exploring your interests, finding your vibe, and setting yourself up for success in an increasingly complex world.

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Are there successful people who found their path without college? Absolutely — and that’s dope for them! Everyone has to pave their own way.

But brushing off higher education as “unnecessary” or “not worth it?” That’s just being willfully ignorant of decades of data, analysis, and peer-reviewed research.

College isn’t the ONLY path to success. But for most, it’s still an amazingly valuable head start — one that pays dividends throughout your career and life.

Don’t be that person who cheaps out on something wildly important, only to regret it later (like when I tried to save money by cutting my own hair in 7th grade…7th grade me had no drip).

At the end of the day, the “to college or not to college” debate comes down to you. And sure, I’m obviously biased as someone who felt the immense benefits of higher ed firsthand.

But my unsolicited advice?

Make it a priority to keep learning, keep growing, and keep challenging yourself. In an era of mind-numbing content oversaturation, cultivate that beautiful human superpower we call critical thinking.

Whether via college or some other passion-driven path, never stop sharpening that brutal intellect that separates us from the AI’s du jour. They may be able to mimic stylistic quirks or chaotically swap synonyms, but true depth of thought? Authentic insight and creativity? That’s what keeps us mere mortals feeling irreplaceable amidst the silicon sea.

Take the next step in your journey.

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Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Spirituality, and Economy