Why Goals Are a Drug

Jerome K.
Published in
4 min readApr 4, 2024

Turning dreams into reality is what we all strive towards.

Whether we are a kid, teen, adult, or an experienced veteran, we all have had dreams at some point in our lives.

I have one too…a dream to traverse the globe

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Since I am a student and unable to travel the world, I compensate with BOOKS!

One day, I went to the bookstore and looked around for a seemingly interesting phrase to catch my eye…

Strolling around, my eyes fixated on a certain book!

It was not bigger than the rest, nor did it have the most pages….It seemed the same just like the rest.

What made it special was the title:

“Company of One”

Immediately, thoughts began to race in my mind.

“Why would you want to be a company made up of one person?”

“Isn’t a company suppose to be a group entity?”

I picked the book off the shelf and was convinced enough to buy it. I have just finished this book recently, and

it altered the way I looked at goal setting and living life to the fullest (by not being so full).

Photo by Joseph Greve on Unsplash

As I said earlier…

We ALL have goals…dreams…aspirations

Whatever our goal are… sweat will be shed and work will be fulfilled with a heart fueled by a burning passion. I believe most of us are eager to achieve our dreams and to do so, we reach for the stars.⭐⭐⭐

Although…is it right to reach for the stars ?

Have you ever stopped to think about the work you put into these goals?

Thinking big and shedding blood are praised with much delight in our society. It seems the bigger we dream, the bigger our sense of accomplishment is because of all the beautiful remarks given to us…

Even at the expense of our lives and morality.

Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash

Is This Really the Right Way to Live?

There is a big dilemma that I have captured from the book’s message. We, humans, are very goal-driven…sometimes TOO goal driven.

Goals have become a drug to us💉

Society has decided that having riches and massive companies are the true definition of success. People just work…work…work all the time. Until they are jumped by death who begins knocking at their doorstep.

That’s when most people realize that maybe their was SOMETHING ELSE more important…

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Families torn apart, health destroyed, regrets made…I doubt we want to be them, don’t we?

The reason I write this to give you all a HEAVY REMINDER that sometimes you do not need that big career, much money, or a fancy car.

You just need to find what makes you smile!😆

Maybe, you’re just working to impress a friend? family member? Whoever that is, what’s important is WHAT YOU WANT. It’s true that you might be a person that likes fancy cars…then GO FOR IT!

Just remember the sacrifice that you will have to do.

The effort, sweat, and time you put into your money-making machine (self).

For me…

All you have to do is find that “ sweet spot”

The goals that allow you to have fun and not neglect the other (highly important) aspects of your life.

In the context of the book I read, companies do not have to become huge to be considered “successful”. It is all about creating a company that fits YOU and most of the time, having a smaller companies will be less stressful and foster more close-knit relationships.

YOU define success…YOU know what you need.

This is not a multi-billion dollar company all the time.

In the pursuit of your goals, I love how the book also expounds on the genuine actions of a person and how it can also be of much advantage to not only others but also himself. Moving with a genuine purpose in serving others will help towards your goal.

In the small company you are creating, a good purpose and a great personality plays a key part to your success. In whatever goals, you plan to achieve, the act of helping and connecting with others along the way will return to you a hundred fold.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

just YOUR friendly reminder

Ladies and Gentlemen, that ends my reminder to you today. Hopefully I have brought some awareness to you and whether your dream is really your true dream or just a manifestation of wanting to be praised.

Keep your head high…good luck on those dreams and remember:

Make goals a good and healthy drug to your body that heals your soul.

If you would like to read the book I mentioned, it is “Company of One” by Paul Jarvis

Thank you for reading!!

— Jerome K.

