Why Great Leaders Don’t Quit

Arsalan Haroon
Published in
3 min readJan 1, 2021

We all want to know what great leaders do when they face hardships and why they don’t go safe and easy ways. Why great leaders don’t quit when they have difficult times. There is always a difference between a normal person and a great leader.

Normal people typically do what others are doing, but a great leader does what they want to do. They never listen to background noise. They never reply to criticism. They just keep doing it and leading a great team with it. No one can stop them.

So we can find the answer to why great leaders don’t quit? Like Elon Musk who faces that difficult time when he has two companies that almost go bankrupt, and he has the choice that he needs to die one company so the other one is saved. But guess what: he saved both.

But the normal person doesn’t do that thing; they just died their one company and saved others but Elon saved both of his companies. We need to know why great leaders like Elon Musk don’t quit when they face difficult times?

They always love what they do

Elon Musk saved both of his companies because he loves what he is doing. He doesn’t want to die for his one company, so he saved both. if you love what you do, you can always face difficulties and more difficulties than the person who doesn’t love what he does, but you work more than normal people. You don’t check the clock every time if you love what you do you just working because you love it and when you face difficulties in that you can not quite, but instead you solve that difficulty that you face.

Steve Jobs said that I am lucky I found what I love earlier in life. Steve Jobs loves what he does. He loves to innovate things that will change the world with his creativity. He says don’t settle until you don’t find what you love.

Because life is limited we don’t know how much we live so don’t waste your time living someone else’s life and start doing things that you love the most.


Great Leaders don’t easily run from a difficult situation if they commit to do something they keep it. They are answerable if they commit themselves. no matter what happens in life what circumstances they face in life.

They just stick to their commitment and keep doing things that they love doing. Sometimes if great leaders face difficult times they forgot the thought of quitting. Because they go back to the day when they first started doing that thing and make a commitment to stick with it. This will give them motivation to not quit and stick to that commitment which they made in the past.


They’re not afraid of something terrible happening in life. If they love what they do and commit to it then they dare to face every (circumstances) no matter how big that is. Because they know it is normal if you choose the path where there are temporary difficulties and in the end you know that you become successful.

Having the courage to do something and stand-alone in every circumstance will make them stronger more and more in life, so they feel that they have one more choice to grow more.


Elon Musk saved both companies it seems impossible but the great leader does what normal people don’t. They are not born with these things they learn them and take action in life.

You also become normal to extraordinary if you haven’t. You need to learn these if you want to be a great leader because you face so many bad times in the long term so it’s good if you prepare today.

  • They always love what they do
  • Commitment
  • Courage

