Why I am Introvert

The Art of Introverted Brilliance

Dawa choedon
2 min readSep 17, 2023


Photo by Dawa Choedon. Created via Canva.com

In the midst of our busy lives, where outgoing people shine brightly, I find comfort in being more reserved. I’m introverted, and that’s not by chance. It’s because of several reasons that make me who I am.

Firstly, I’m introverted because I love exploring my inner thoughts. My mind is like a vast space where ideas grow like delicate flowers. When I’m alone with my thoughts, I escape from the noisy world. The thoughts I have inside are as vast and fascinating as the universe, and I can’t resist delving into them with endless curiosity.

Introversion is like my safe haven, where I can truly be myself. In silence, I can think deeply, ponder life’s mysteries, and connect the dots that others might miss. The quietness nurtures my creativity, allowing it to flourish like a rare flower in a shaded forest.

Maybe my introversion also comes from valuing deep connections. I believe in quality over quantity when it comes to relationships. True bonds are formed through intimate conversations. In one-on-one interactions, I can genuinely listen to others’ stories, dreams, and fears. I’m a keeper of secrets, a trusted friend in the shadows, and my introverted nature lets me offer the gift of deep understanding.

While the world often praises extroverted people, I’ve come to appreciate the power of silence and observation. In a crowd, I’m the quiet observer, the attentive detective decoding human behaviour. I absorb the subtleties of body language and the unspoken messages in people’s eyes. In my introversion, I became skilled at understanding the silent symphony of life.

Moreover, my introversion is my refuge from the overwhelming noise of the world. When everything gets too loud, I find peace in solitude. Quiet moments recharge me, giving me the strength to face the world once more.

In a world that often celebrates extroverts, I’ve learned to embrace my introversion as a unique gift. It’s the canvas on which I create my life, a place for reflection and self-discovery. My introversion isn’t a shield that isolates me; instead, it’s a key that opens the door to my true self and guides me towards meaningful connections with those who truly understand me.

So, I’m introverted because I’ve chosen the path of depth, because I value the riches of the inner world, because I believe in the power of quietness, and because I am, at my core, a keeper of what’s profound and meaningful. In my introversion, I find the essence of who I am, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.



Dawa choedon

Hi, I'm Dawa Choedon, a passionate writer empowering others to unlock their potential and lead fulfilling lives through self-improvement. #PersonalGrowth