Why I Chose My Mentor on Medium as Zulie Rane

A cat mom who encourages a lot of beginners with her powerful writing skills

Fazle Rab


Photo by Alliance Football Club on Unsplash

It’s been ten months for me on Medium, and this is my 27th article. Each article is better than the previous one. You also know that whenever you write an article or story, you learn many things while writing and want to apply it in the next story to be better. Even I do the same things. But in my case, there are two motives through which I am learning and making my writing story better than the previous. One, I just told, but in the other one, the learner is me, but there is someone else who teaches.

Whenever you start a new job in which you don’t know much, you want someone to teach you, and you need a good mentor. It should be so because without a teacher you can learn that work wrongly and get wrong information sometimes.

Zulie Rane (Biology MSc. Psychology nerd, 25K Followers), freelance writer, YouTuber, and a cat mom. I saw her writing tips videos before I started the Medium. After reading many of her articles and watching her videos, I found her very energetic and exciting for me, like she pushing me towards my goal. It seemed as writing has been hidden in me for a long time, but no one has found it to guide it but Zulie Rane.

Why A Guider For Writing?



Fazle Rab

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