Why I Currently Hate Aaron Rodgers

Brian Dickens Barrabee
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2021


Sorry Aaron, it goes way back.

Photo by author

Straight away, I’ve never been a fan of the Green Bay Packers. I respect them and their Hall of Fame roster of players past.

Who didn’t like Vince Lombardi, their longtime, NFL Championship (5 times) and Super Bowl (2 times) winning iconic coach?

One of his players so delicately put it, “ He treated us players all equally, like dogs.” What’s not to like?

I love the way the fans own shares in the team and that they haven’t gone corporate on the name of their stadium. Still Lambeau Field (one of only three that don’t have corporate-sponsored names in the NFL)

Ahhh — what’s a few 100 million to a pro football team?

They’ve got integrity!

When Bret Favre became their quarterback with much fanfare, I didn’t go to the fare (fair).

Although physically and intellectually, he checked all the boxes on what a quarterback should look and act like (no, I haven’t seen his sexting).

I didn’t like his reckless running around like a beheaded barnyard fowl and eventually, almost as often throwing a touchdown as heaving an interception.



Brian Dickens Barrabee

Very much involved with the world and likes nothing better than writing about its absurdities. Award winning author who guarantees a laugh or two a story.