Why I Decided To Become Walden And Show The Middle Finger To Our Modern Life

If you want to survive the next decade, plan to become Walden

Livia Dabs RN,MSc


Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Last week, my good friend phoned from Washington DC , and we talked about our plans this year. She told me her vision is to travel to a different locations, go to famous places, and enjoy life.

“And you?” she asked.

“I’m preparing to live surrounded by nature, build an eco-house, become self-sustainable, and just hope to survive the world as it is now because it will get much worse.”

“You sound pessimistic,” she responded.

“Yes, I suppose I was sounding a little gloomy, but if you look at the state of the world, pandemic spreading, economical price inflation, the war in Ukraine began, and climate change on its way,” I went on.

“Therefore, this year I become a Walden and show the middle finger to our modern world.”

The discussion got me thinking, and I told myself the silent, yes. That is the only thing I want to do this year.

How can anyone go on vacation and have fun while also witnessing suffering across the world?

Suffering is obvious, and world events such as pandemics, conflicts, economic depression, and…



Livia Dabs RN,MSc

I quit the rat race and the constant hustle to live sustainably and healthy. I just started to live off grid, showed the middle finger to our modern life.