Why I Decided To Leave The Rat Race

A reflection about leadership in the world today

Paul Myers MBA


Image by Author

I have a question to ask you:

“Will you marry me?”

“Yes”, she said!

Don’t believe me? Well, I have photographic proof, hard evidence captured by a surprised waitress outside a restaurant in Rome, Italy.

Check it out below.

The poor unsuspecting waitress kindly agreed to take a snap of us when I asked her:

“Can you take a photo in front of the doorway across the street?” I asked

Michelle (my wife now) loved the fabulous doors scattered around Rome.

In fairness to the kind waitress, her timing was absolutely perfect.

Proposal image by Author in Rome 2019

Although the image above may look staged, I assure you it was not.

Actually, let me reword that statement for clarity.

It was kind of staged, by me, but neither Michelle nor the friendly waitress had a clue about what was about to happen at that moment in time.

I took a chance folks … and nailed it I reckon … if I do say…



Paul Myers MBA

Top writer in Business, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Startups & Innovation. Interested in all things E-commerce and more --- https://cdsequine.com