Why I Decided to Press Pause on Internships This Year

And what I chose to do instead

Karmen Yip
3 min readJun 8, 2023


A woman signalling “stop” with her palm facing the camera
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

If you’d told me last year that I’d be hitting the brakes on internships this summer, I would’ve laughed in disbelief.

But here I am, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision.

Let me take you back: in the summer break after my freshman year, I dove headfirst into two internships, juggled a part-time research assistant role at my university, and built a responsive app. Talk about burning the candle at both ends!

I felt accomplished, but something was off.

I was sprinting ahead without knowing my destination.

Fast forward to this year: A Healthier, Happier Me

While most of my university peers are busy scrambling for internships, I’ve chosen to focus on my health, wellness, and creative growth.

From “Zoom University” to a Health Transformation

The pandemic forced me to spend most of my high school years and my second university semester taking online classes.

My health really took a hit, and socializing was scarce. I knew I needed to hit the pause button and recharge.

Instead of chasing the next shiny internship, I’ve joined regular gym and yoga classes, and I’m reconnecting with friends and family, building stronger connections that will last a lifetime.

Exploring Nameless Passions

While I’m prioritizing my well-being, I’ve also found time to explore passions that don’t come with a job title.

I’ve immersed myself in writing about tech and productivity on Medium, and I’m developing my UX design portfolio — all on my own terms.

In July, I will be visiting a Russell Group university for a service trip to learn about NGOs and volunteer in the UK.

So, Why Hit Pause?

Don’t get me wrong, internships are valuable.

But it’s crucial to know when to step back and focus on what truly matters.

For me, that meant putting my health, relationships, and creative passions first.

While career achievements and internships are important, remember that personal growth, health, and relationships form the foundation for long-term success.

The Benefits of Pressing Pause:

  1. Improved mental and physical health
  2. Strengthened relationships with friends and family
  3. Time and space to explore creative passions
  4. Opportunity for self-improvement and reflection
  5. A refreshed and inspired perspective to bring back to your career


I hope my story reminds you that it’s not just about the sprint, but also about knowing when to take a breather. Pausing to reflect and prioritize self-care can be the best choice sometimes.

I look forward to bringing this refreshed and inspired perspective to my UX design work and community service going forward!

Let me know your thoughts! Have you ever hit a pause to focus on yourself?

Thank you for reading! If you like my writing, please check out my previous post here. I appreciate it very much!

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Karmen Yip

Award-winning Tech Journalist, UX Designer & Frontend Developer. Uncovering Digital Wellness, UX Design, and productivity.