Why I Don’t Need To Get Married


Jonathan Peykar
2 min readFeb 17, 2022


photo by Євгенія Височина, edited by me

My brother loves asking “odd” questions out of the blue.
I think he gets some kick out of it.
We were having a family dinner one night when he felt the need to activate his habit.

“Johnny, how old are you?”
“Almost thirty-one”, I replied.
I knew where this was going.
“Whoaaa. Don’t you need to get married?”
His face looked like someone who just realized he forgot to turn off the stove.
“Not really”.
“WHAATTT?? Are you serious? What do you mean not really?”
“I mean, I’ll get married to the right girl at the right time. No particular rush here.”
“What can I say. It’s your life. Do what you want”.

I need food to eat. I need air to breathe. I need money to make a living. I don’t NEED to get married. I want to.

To be fair, I get why some people will never feel like that.
Women want to find a husband and start a family, or soon they won’t give birth.
Other people will settle for their spouse for various reasons.
Some pressure themselves because of what’s going on around them.

Either way, I think getting married because you feel “it’s time to settle down already”, or whatever rules you’ve taken upon yourself, is a terrible decision. That’s probably why some couples end up divorcing after a year.

It’s your life. Do what you want.
It doesn’t matter if your mother pressures you.
She won’t have to live with the consequences; you will.
It doesn’t matter if you’re thirty-three and need to “be done with it” already, as life is some checklist you have to tick through.
It doesn’t matter if your friends are already married and you’re not.
You have your path, and it’s different from theirs.

Getting married because of some “neediness” is probably the worst decision you can make.

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Jonathan Peykar

I share top shelf nuggets about marketing and self-improvement