Why I Don’t Want Your Shortcut to Happiness

Healing needs time and a good dose of distraction

TC Hails


A photograph of a woman suspended underwater holding a clock
Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

Finding the Time to Heal When There is None

Let’s begin with the short answer, you will find the time somehow, what this looks like or how much time you’ll need is dependent on you’re circumstance and unique to you. Not the habitual guilt trippers or emotional gaslighters, just you.

Surely, everyone can find the time to work on themselves? Agreed, this is definitely a true statement in theory but in practice, challenging to execute effectively, in a way that produces healing long term.

You really can’t predict how long it will take or let anyone hasten your timeline, to suit their schedule or comfort level.

I don’t know about you, but I do find the glossing over and dismissal of what we need as individuals by pestiferous “quick fix” evangelists draining and frustrating.

We all have responsibilities that require our attention and command a certain level of engagement, so ultimately, we’re faced with a decision of what needs to be sacrificed along with calculating how much time we may need to “feel better”

Quick Fixes vs Reality



TC Hails

A creative observer who writes about life, including what happens when we lose our shit. Highlighting the typical, unusual twists and comedy of it all.