
Why I Failed as a Realtor

A lesson about side hustles and careers

B. Wright
Published in
6 min readFeb 19, 2022


Young Black couple speaking with a real estate agent in front of house with an open house sign in the yard
Photo by fstop123 on iStock

One of the greatest tragedies about the American education system is the lack of career guidance given to high school students. If I were king for a day, I would make every high school student take one of those personality tests which tell you which career might be a good fit for you. While not perfect, at least it would provide some ideas to consider for the millions of students graduating each year. For those entering college, many are undecided even after their first year.

…you’ll go work for someone less smart than you doing a lot of big brain work.

While my first job aligned perfectly with my engineering degree, somehow the lure of touring big beautiful homes and getting big commission checks made me want to explore real estate as a side gig. But unlike school where success is judged by how well you do on paper tests, very little about me fit the ideal real estate agent. In fact, I probably couldn’t have made a more disparate choice — a job that’s almost 100% sales.

Getting good grades in school really brings no value to anyone… Great, you fully understand Calculus! You’re considered a success in school, and most likely you’ll go work for someone less smart than…



B. Wright

Recovering perfectionist, polymath in training. Top writer in Investing. Also covering Career, Entrepreneurship, Relationships, and random life observations.