Why I Go to the Movies Solo

Desperately holding onto the movie-going experience.

Cullen Dano
4 min readSep 14, 2020


Photo by GREG KANTRA on Unsplash

Do you go to the movies alone?! That is SO weird! I hear this all the time. Almost every time I mention it to someone. The shock from others boggles my mind. Is it really weird? How so? I truly don’t get it. It is the only way I want to go to the movies. Alone.

I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember. Sure, over the years I have gone to the movies with a friend, but it isn’t the same experience. Only a couple of those times I found to be enjoyable because while sitting next to me, my friend acted as if I wasn’t there. It was pure bliss. Most times, however, this is not the case. So I go solo.

There are several different types of movie-goers, and they just about all drive me mad. Some may say I’m uptight. I just know what movie experience I want to have. A big part of that is knowing what I don’t want in that experience. Here are some examples of movie-goers that I work to avoid encountering.

The whisperer — This person is constantly leaning over to whisper a question or a comment, not wanting to disturb others in the theater, all the while forcing me out of the movie-watching zone to hear their query.

The inappropriate laugher — This happens primarily in horror movie showings. When a scene comes on screen that is clearly not and was never intended to be anything close to funny, is laughed at. Not just chuckled at, oh no. Laughed at loudly so everyone sitting in the dark can hear how tough they are. Nothing can scare them! They laugh in the face of evil and peril! Insert rolling eyes emoji.

The up and downer — It usually starts with them forgetting something in the concession. A soda, a candy bar, four hot dogs. It only escalates from there. Three seat switches and two bathroom breaks later, I find myself anticipating their next move.

The cell phone answerer — I will never be able to understand this person. Maybe there is a valid reason to answer your phone in the middle of a movie. I just can’t think of one.

These are just a few types of people at the movie theater that send me into a quiet rage. And I’m not normally one to get overly upset. But when in a darkened movie theater, my expectations of others somewhat skyrocket. I truly love movies and want to enjoy them fully. Knowing this about myself, I make decisions accordingly.

My movie-going experience typically happens on a Monday or Tuesday morning. First showing of the day. NEVER on the weekend. Seeing a movie at this time on these days is ideal for me and works splendidly. On average, it is myself, and an elderly couple. Sometimes two couples in addition to myself. Me in the back row, them in the front.

It’s truly magical and I can’t imagine attending the movies any other way. Going to the theater is like a mini-vacation from reality for me. It’s something that I don’t want to include anyone else in. Like everyone else I’m sure, I don’t want my vacation rudely interrupted. So I attend movies in this fashion. It has never failed me.

Besides, gone are the days of the $3.50 ticket cost (I was a teen in the mid-'90s). After ticket purchase and concessions, the cost for one person can easily get up to $25. A price I don’t, in the slightest, mind paying. The price tag alone, however, makes me want to get my sums of money worth. So, you guessed it, I go alone.

There are many ways we can set ourselves up for success in life. Some are huge, others are minuscule. This is a small approach I take to ensure a largely beneficial occasion. The satisfaction felt from walking out of a movie has been able to take it all in, is amazing. Even if the movie was awful.

All that being said, I will continue to encourage my friends, and really anyone that this conversation comes up with, to try going to the theater alone. I think it’s the best way to watch a movie, and let’s be honest, that’s why we go to the movie theater in the first place…to watch a movie. So go on, try it out and enjoy the show!



Cullen Dano

Horror movie watcher. Dog lover. Port Wine cheese enthusiast. Hoping to evolve a little bit everyday.