Why I Laugh At Myself

And why you should too!

Alana Rister, Ph.D.


Photo by Gemma Chua-Tran on Unsplash

When I was a kid growing up, I would never laugh at myself. Whenever I made a mistake, I would become very embarrassed and anxious.

People would tell me that I needed to learn to laugh at myself. I thought these people must be crazy. Why would I ever want to embarrass myself by laughing at myself?

After a horrible friendship break-up in college, my confidence was completely shattered. I had to rebuild my confidence through excruciating social situations and learning to be okay with the uncomfortable.

The more I put myself in uncomfortable and new situations, the more I learned that messing things up is okay. Slowly, I gained the ability to laugh at little mistakes that do not harm anyone.

Laughing at yourself may seem counter-intuitive. To be able to laugh at yourself requires confidence in yourself and the realization that we are all humans and imperfect. Gaining this skill will make you a more care-free person and fun to be around.

The fact is that we all say things wrong. We all mess up sometimes.

Accepting that you are just like everyone else and have imperfections is essential to gaining confidence in yourself.

Why We Laugh at Mistakes?



Alana Rister, Ph.D.

Write about entrepreneurship, marketing, and personal development. Also me: @alanalrister and @scigradcoach https://www.alanarister.com/alana-rister-newsletter