Why I Left Vocal Media

This platform is becoming a gambling spot (Vocal competitions)

Saurabh Adhane


Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

I started writing on vocal Media in the middle of September. I was expecting much from this new platform. As my blog failed, I looked for a better alternative to add an extra passive income stream to my life.

Image from Author’s laptop

When you look up at my stats, you’ll come to know how bad is Vocal media with internal traffic. I earned $93 by publishing 26 stories. I can’t buy a morning coffee from this money I made.

Vocal Media Doesn’t Have a Good SEO Ranking.

Vocal Media has an SEO problem. My blog was ranking better than this site. Google hesitates to rank domains like Vocal media on their front page. This is the primary reason low competitive keyword doesn’t rank on Google when you publish a post on vocal media.

Vocal Media has Less Internal Traffic

People don’t read vocal stories. Hence, they don’t have internal traffic. Vocal media publishers failed to build internal traffic for their platform.



Saurabh Adhane

Writer and software Engineer also loves photography and solo Travelling